It was Laird himself of the CLR team “Blame Laird” that first declared the team members to be celebrities. Besides being a group that has run CLR more than a few times, Blame Laird is also a charity team — participating to raise money for the non-profit Girls on the Run (click here to donate). Composed of a mix of family and friends, the team is known for its affinity for jumping in large bodies of water and tendency hold Team Captain Laird Goodman accountable for any mishaps that may happen.

“It’s about time the Blame Laird message is getting some press. The world needs to know who they can blame, and his name is Laird… and Keith… and Ron, but mostly Laird.”— Team member, Arne
Beyond spreading the message of “Blame Laird,” this fun-loving team has also helped compile a wide-range of advice for fellow CLR runners and walkers.
“I think it’s of the upmost importance that your readers heed our advice if they wish to survive this race…not only physically, but emotionally as well. For me, this is my favorite weekend of the year and I want everyone to have as much fun as I do.”
— Team member, John
Without further ado, their top ten pieces of advice are:
- Two words: BUG SPRAY. Team member Keith might even say that bug spray is more crucial than water. During one of Keith’s legs, the van approached Keith, rolled down the windows and yelled, “Keith, do you need water?” Keith, exacerbated after only a mile into his leg, ran over to the van and screamed, “NO! BUG SPRAY!” Keith then grabbed the bug spray, in liquid form, and poured it all over his face. Legend says he may even have swallowed some.
Photo by Jaimee C. - TEAM SPIRIT. This includes, but is not limited to, decorating your team van, wearing great costumes (that roadkill in the photo is very real), investing in cowbells, and thinking long and hard about a team name.
“Be sure to choose a witty, perhaps borderline offensive team name to attract all types of attention from the many friendly, outgoing, and adventurous people you meet throughout the race. And if race officials don’t approve of the name because it may be a just a little too off-color, you can always BLAME LAIRD.” — John
- PRACTICE DRINKING TOO. According to Team Laird, drinking is an important element of CLR (#bendbeer). Naturally, it is important to practice drinking before CLR.
“Do some serious drinking for at least a month prior to get your liver in shape. You don’t want to shock it.” — Ron
- WATER. Drink the water. Jump in the water. Float in the water. Team Blame Laird does all three — they have even set a record of jumping in ten bodies of water during CLR! (Including what they refer to as “cow shit creek”). To top it all off, the team floats the Deschutes post-CLR as a celebratory tradition and simultaneous ice-bath for their tired legs.
Photo by Laird Goodman “The nurse in me has to say this: wear sunscreen and hydrate! I am also happy to start IVs for a price-all proceeds will go to Girls on the Run! ;)” — Jennifer Goodman
- BLAME LAIRD. With plans to have knee surgery soon after CLR, Laird will be running all of the short legs during the relay and has self-identified himself as the one to blame. Someone ordered an in-house masseuse? Blame Laird. A team name is barred for being a little too off-color? Blame Laird.
“The team is now called Blame Laird for a reason. A lot of shit is going to go wrong this trip. It’s expected. Always remember though, it’s not your fault.” — Ron